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About Us

Samantha Anderson, the dreamer, maker, creator, and peddler of fine OCM goods, and Jason Anderson, The hired muscle, practical thinker, chef, general adult.
There are two small ones who frequently win your heart on insta, throw in a couple cats and there you have it!

Axiom Precision

We LOVED our X-carve, but we were ready for an upgrade and after much research (on Jason's part - OBVIOUSLY) we decided to invest in our new Axiom CNC machine. In June 2019, We traveled down to Columbus Ohio to the Axiom headquarters to take Vcarve and Axiom training. We learned invaluable tips and skills to help advance the progress, and it was really cool to meet the guys who had built the systems from the ground up!

In 2020 we doubled down and got our second machine! 

All Things Shop

In 2019, I partnered with my market bestie, Tessa, we certainly did not realize we were in for such a turbulent ride! LOL. One great thing to come from the ups and downs of COVID-19 are the two phenomenal stores we have had the fortune of opening. The shops have afforded us the opportunity to continue to promote small and local businesses.

One in CrossIron Mills, just North of Calgary, come and shop our amazing local vendors!
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